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Install or update MySQL 5.5 on CentOS

Install or update MySQL 5.5 on CentOS

You need to download MySQL RPM from MySQL Community. For CentOS 6 you need to download something like this (pay attention to Oracle & Red hat Linux 6 ) You need to download these things MySQL-server MySQL-client MySQL-shared MySQL-devel (optional) Login to your CentOS box and get these first thing you need to check is […]

Device eth0 does not seem to be present

Whenever i clone a VM in my Parallels Desktop (for mac) I always face this issue in new VM. It do not finds the eth0 on startup and when i do i always see this error Main reason behind is CentOS remembers the OLD NIC information and still looking for that By Default. Even though […]

Change Hostname in CentOS (permanent)

Some times you need to change the “hostname” of your CentOS Box, like for me I need to change the “hostname” when ever I clone my VM. changing “hostname” involves easy steps will show you some thing like change the hostname to what ever you like, save the file and now You may need to […]

Install and configure SNMP on CentOS

I needed to Monitor My CentOS 6.4 Box, many monitoring software like Nagios, cacti and zabbix need SNMP enabled on system to be monitored. so here you are Once you have installed the SNMP you need to configure the public query access to box. Configure SMNP first backup the snmp.conf past following in the file […]

Installing Zabbix 2.x on CentOS

Installing Zabbix 2.x on CentOS

Zabbix 2.0.6 on CentOS 6.4 using source This article is a modified version of a good article install Zabbix 1.8 Download and extract Zabbix Setting up the user accounts The Zabbix server and client both need a user account that they can run on, so may as well set this up first. This also needs to be […]

MySQL Illegal mix of collations

A character encoding details how each symbol is represented in binary (and therefore stored in the computer). For example, the symbol é (U+00E9, latin small letter E with acute) is encoded as 0xc3a9 in UTF-8 (which MySQL calls utf8) and 0xe9 in Windows-1252 (which MySQL calls latin1). A character set is the alphabet of symbols […]

openSmpp configuration with Mysql

If you need to install openSMPP please have a look on “Install Kannel Addons” OpenSMpp is Kannel addon; used to allow smpp clients to connect to kannel gateway and send SMS over SMPP protocol. following are the steps for configuring openSMPP with mysql as storage of DLR. Create a Mysql Database if you don’t have […]

Install Kannel Addons; opensmpp and sqlb...

If you need to install kannel with mysql support please refer to this post “How to Install Kannel” Once you have installed the kannel with Mysql support, you can install additional addons of kannel which are opensmpp and sqlbox. Install openSMPP (you can remove the –with-kannel-dir, but some distributions do not automatically find the kannel […]

How to run large sql script

some times you have to run a large SQL script in SQL server and “Sql Server Management Studio” dies when you load the large file. To import / run the large script you need to use SQL Server command line tool sqlcmd there are many parameters for this command line toll use this for full list […]