To delete a team project collection completely, You need to take 3 Actions

  • Delete collection
  • Delete Database
  • Delete Sharepoint Site

Delete collection

  1. Open Team Foundation administration console.
  2. Go to Application Tier, and then choose Team Project Collections.
  3. In the list of collections, highlight the name of the collection that you want to delete.
  4. On the General tab, choose Detach Team Project Collection.
  5. The Detach Team Project Collection Wizard opens.
  • Follow the wizard.
  • When all the readiness checks have completed successfully, choose Detach. When all processes have completed, Choose Close.
  • The team project collection no longer appears in the list of collections in the administration console.

Delete Database

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine that hosts the collection database, and expand the instance.
  2. Highlight the name of the collection database (by default, TFS_CollectionName), and then delete the database.

Delete Sharepoint Site


  1. Open SharePoint Central Administration, and delete the site collection linked to deleted collection